Major Publications 2013

Porter,K.E. and Hulme,M. (2013)  The emergence of the geoengineering debate in the British print media: a frame analysis   Geographical Journal  179(4), 342-355

 Hulme,M. (2013)  How climate models gain and exercise authority   pp.30-44 (Chapter 2) in: The social life of climate change models: anticipating nature (eds.) Hastrup,K. and Skrydstrup,M., Routledge, Abingdon, UK, 240pp.

Hulme,M. (2013)  Lessons from the IPCC: do scientific assessments need to be consensual to be authoritative?  pp.142-147 in: Future directions for scientific advice in Whitehall  (eds.) Doubleday,R. and Wilsdon,J., CSaP, Cambridge, 158pp.

Hulme,M. (2013)  Exploring climate change through science and in society: an anthology of Mike Hulme’s essays, interviews and speeches  Routledge,  Abingdon, UK, 330pp.

Hulme,M. (2013)  Foreword, pp.xii-xiv in: How the world’s religions are responding to climate change: social scientific investigations  (eds.) Veldman,R.G., Szasz,A. and Haluza-DeLay,R.,  Routledge, Abingdon/New York, 327pp.

Hulme,M. (2013)  ‘On the transmission of heat’: commentary on John Tyndall’s 1859 paper  pp.295-302 in: The future of nature: documents of global change  (eds.) Robin,L., Sorlin,S. and Warde,P.,  Yale University Press, New Haven CT, 564pp.

Hulme,M. (2013)  Reducing the future to climate: a story of climate determinism and reductionism (abridged, with commentary)   pp.506-525 in: The future of nature: documents of global change  (eds.) Robin,L., Sorlin,S. and Warde,P.,  Yale University Press, New Haven CT, 564pp.